Python Keywords: Backbone of Python Programming

Python, renowned for its simplicity and versatility, is equipped with a set of keywords that serve as the building blocks of its syntax and structure. These keywords, also known as reserved words, hold significant importance in defining the behavior and logic of Python programs. In this blog, we will discuss Python keywords in detail.

List of 35 Python keywords

andA logical operator
asTo create an alias
assertFor debugging
breakTo break out of a loop
classTo define a class
continueTo continue to the next iteration of a loop
defTo define a function
delTo delete an object
elifUsed in conditional statements, same as else if
elseUsed in conditional statements
exceptUsed with exceptions, what to do when an exception occurs
FalseBoolean value, result of comparison operations
finallyUsed with exceptions, a block of code that will be executed no matter if there is an exception or not
forTo create a for loop
fromTo import specific parts of a module
globalTo declare a global variable
ifTo make a conditional statement
importTo import a module
inTo check if a value is present in a list, tuple, etc.
isTo test if two variables are equal
lambdaTo create an anonymous function
NoneRepresents a null value
nonlocalTo declare a non-local variable
notA logical operator
orA logical operator
passA null statement, a statement that will do nothing
raiseTo raise an exception
returnTo exit a function and return a value
TrueBoolean value, result of comparison operations
tryTo make a try…except statement
whileTo create a while loop
withUsed to simplify exception handling
yieldTo return a list of values from a generator

Understanding Each Keyword in Detail

Boolean Logic: True, False, None

In Python, we have three special words: True, False, and None. When we say something is true, we use True, and when it’s not true, we use False. None is a bit different; it is like saying there’s nothing there at all. It is useful when we want to show that something doesn’t have a value or doesn’t exist.

Logical Operators: and, or, not

Python incorporates logical operators such as and, or, and not to facilitate logical operations within code. ‘and’ returns the first false value encountered, while ‘or’ returns the first true value. ‘not’ negates the truth value of the operand.

Control Flow: if, else, elif

The trio of if, else, and elif form the backbone of conditional statements in Python. ‘if’ initiates a conditional block, ‘else’ defines the alternative block, and ‘elif’ provides additional conditions to be evaluated.

Iteration: for, while, break, continue

Python’s iteration keywords, including for, while, break, and continue, direct the flow of loops. ‘for’ and ‘while’ enable looping mechanisms, while ‘break’ and ‘continue’ facilitate control within loops, allowing for premature termination or skipping of iterations.

Function and Class Definitions: def, class

The keywords def and class are instrumental in defining functions and classes, respectively. ‘def’ precedes the definition of a function, while ‘class’ marks the beginning of a class definition.

Context Management: with, as

Python’s ‘with’ statement, accompanied by the ‘as’ keyword, streamlines resource management and exception handling. It ensures proper initialization and cleanup of resources within a controlled context.

Error Handling: try, except, finally, raise, assert

Exception handling in Python is facilitated by keywords such as try, except, finally, raise, and assert. These keywords empower developers to anticipate and manage errors effectively, ensuring robustness and reliability in code execution.

Memory Management: del

The ‘del’ keyword in Python facilitates memory management by deleting references to objects or variables, allowing for efficient memory utilization within programs.

Global and Non-local Variables: global, nonlocal

Python supports the declaration of global and non-local variables using the keywords global and nonlocal, respectively. These keywords enable the modification and access of variables across different scopes within a program.


Python keywords form the essence of Python programming, dictating the flow, logic, and structure of code. We hope that our blog helped you in understanding the Python keywords in detail.

Also, checkout Exploring Python Basic Programs for Beginners

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