Blockchain is a sequence of immutable records, digitally allotted ledgers based totally on the peer-to-peer community that propels transparency. Also, it is a developing bunch of records, generally known as blocks. These are then linked together with the help of several cryptographic principles. It is thus, rightful to know how does the Blockchain work? We would also be talking about What is Blockchain in Supply Chain?

How does blockchain turbocharge the effectiveness and profitability of businesses? Does blockchain technology really apply to the supply-chain world? Can it solve your supply-chain problems and increase your profitability? The goal of this post is to provide you a clearer understanding of what blockchain technology is all about, and to save you the time of studying, testing, and assessing its value to your operations.

Knowing Blockchain Technology

Blockchain has become the creator of the skeleton of a new kind of internet technology. Also, blockchain does not allow digital distributed information to be copied. Hence, it is a series of immutable records or data and time-stamped. Nodes manage the blocks in the blockchain. These are a cluster of computers. A chain of cryptographic protective principles help in forming a chain-block because each block of data though, secured and linked to one another.

Blockchain – What is there so special in it as industry-disrupting capabilities? Since there is no central authority hence, the blockchain network is a decentralized or democratic system.

Supply Chain — What it is?

Supply chain includes a chain of suppliers from manufacturers to distributors and the end product users or buyers. This complete chain of the network includes several activities, information, people, and resources together. The supply chain thus, represents all the steps a company needs and takes in order to offer its services and products to the end user.

It is to note that the supply chain is developing so that the costs of producing goods can reduce but, be competitive at the same time. This also needs proper management and care.

blockchain for supply chain management

Usually, the steps of the supply chain include transforming and moving raw materials and producing end products, transporting them, and distributing them to the customer. There are lots of entities applicable within the supply chain, like produces, transportation companies, vendors, and others. In addition, the elements of the supply chain also include all sorts of functions, such as getting order form customer’s. It also broadens up to include marketing, operations, development, customer services, and many others. It is thus to ascertain that without supply chain management, the production line of the company suffers.

Discussing Blockchain’s value in Today’s Supply Chain

In regular events, it is still being seen that, the supply chains continue to function at-scale without the use of blockchain technology. But still, this technology continues to excite the IT and supply chain industries alike.

Examples of Blockchain Applications include:

  • A new UK startup, Provenance, just recently raised around $800,000 to trace foods using blockchain.
  • Walmart recently tested an app which will trace and find pork in China and produce in the US. Thereby, authenticating transactions and also the efficiency and preciseness of record keeping.
  • IBM and Maersk are progressing smoothly on trans-country, trans-party transactions using blockchain. This will help in improving the efficiency of processes.

Still the pertinent question we need to discuss here is can blockchain add value to supply chain and its management ecosystem.

Reality Check

It is quite well known today that today’s supply chains have enormous amount of good data. This, they are able to interchange and move across different supply chain tiers in real-time. Now, if we want to address the issue of the value blockchain has for supply chains, then, we need to look into three essential areas. These usually includes :

  • Replacement for manual and slow processes. We know that supply chains can generally handle complex and large sets of data, still many of its processes, are slow and manual. These processes can be and shall be replace using blockchain technology and IoT to improve efficiency and thereby, increase revenue.
  • Mitigating production network IT exchange costs. At this stage, this advantage is more hypothetical than real. Bitcoin usually pays individuals to approve each exchange, and requires people who propose another square remember expense’s for their proposition. A particular cost would probably be restrictive in stock chains due to the fact that their scale can be faltering. For instance, in 100-days span, a solitary automobile producer gives around 10 billion call-offs just to its level one providers. Likewise, together those exchanges would fundamentally raise interest for information stockpiling, a basic segment of blockchain’s circulated record approach. Also, making and keeping up various duplicates of data collections would be unrealistic in the inventory network climate, particularly in non-admissible blockchain.
  • There is a need to strengthen tracking. It is being seen, that the ever-increasing regulatory and purchaser demands for sustained information is already driving growth and change. Further, enhancing the ability to track will add value by mitigating high costs of quality problems. Doing this, would further provide with other value-building chances in future.


We all know that we are now progressing to an age of services and experiences from an age of commodities. That is from hardwares to softwares, from operationalization to data as the key thing in value creation. Also, from industry silos to intricately fabricated ecosystems and value functions.

We have talked about the use and effect of Blockchain technology in Supply Chain ecosystem. We also covered the basics of Blockchain and how it functions. Hope you liked this post and gained good knowledge of the subject matter. If you have any queries feel free to ask in the comment section. I am ever-ready to take your questions and answer them to the best of my ability.

Until we meet again, I bid you Ta-Ta !!!

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